
Showing posts from September 19, 2010

A New Food Group

It has been 176 days since my last Dr. Pepper. I know that Scripture says that when you fast to do it quietly, with a happy face. I've got the happy face part down, but not the quiet part. I think a lot of people misunderstand what fasting is. They give up food or whatever but they think that the simple act of giving something up gives them clarity. Jesus was very specific. He said, "These things can't be done except through fasting and PRAYER." So, every time I want a Dr. Pepper (or some kind of sweet sugary something when I'm fasting sugar), I pray. I gave up DP for my hubby. Every time I've wanted one, I've prayed for him. You would think that 6 months without it would make the craving diminish, but it hasn't. I still want one every day, sometimes I dream of 2 liters. That's when I wake up praying at 3am. I have to say this, too. It hasn't been as simple as just not purchasing the D.P. I have two Dublin Dr Peppers (made with r...