
Showing posts from April 10, 2011

Spring and new seasons

As my wonderful husband turns 40 and my oldest 'child' turns 15, I have had a chance to just slow down and think a few things through. We live such an amazing life! It is easy to get focused in on the day-to-day drudgery and forget how beautiful a family can be, and I praise God for the reminders that He gives me that we are so blessed! Even after the toddler years, when you're striving to be the kind of wife and mother God outlines in Scripture, you find that you don't have tons of time to yourself. "Girl time" becomes a distant dream and you settle down into the trenches. The toddler years are hard, but nothing swift, firm, loving discipline can't handle. The preteen years are tough, and require lots of heart training for mom and kids. There is no greater mirror of yourself than how your children treat each other. God really had me change ME first, and then my kids started coming around. When they get older, there are even more things to discuss ...