Snail Saga
Chloe loves all bugs, except spiders. Well, she wants a tarantula, but the little ones are creepy. Any other bug, she loves. Well, except female praying mantis's. They bite. Oh, and she doesn't like mosquitoes and doesn't understand what purpose they serve. Why did God create mosquitoes? Another question to ask in heaven. She wants a pet bat because one bat can eat up to 42,000 mosquitoes in one night. She really wants another praying mantis. Her last one died while we were in Alabama. He (she) is now immortalized in a picture frame. While here in Germany, she discovered snails. She loves them. She thinks one, in particular, actually listens to her. She's 10. She'll figure it out eventually. She used her allowance money to buy a kiddie pool, fill it with composted dirt that smells like a hog's pen, and put a net over it. It's a lovely snail haven. She collects them and then they don't eat her plants. It's a good system...until it r...