I wish I had a hidden camera in my kitchen. Most of the time I eat with the kids for breakfast, or I'll finish eating and clean dishes while they finish; but today I'm down here, catching up on banking, etc., and they are eating. I let them sleep in today. We've been fighting a roaming roams from one of us to the next...and you can tell they all got their fill of rest. Chloe is the loudest. You will hear her voice, followed by cackles and peals of laughter from Caylea and Josh. Josh laughs the loudest. (He who laughs the loudest laughs last? How does that saying go?) Anyway, the fact that she can entertain them is pretty amazing, but it also hysterical to me that she often goes just one step too far, to the point that there is dead silence and then inevitably either Caylea, usually, or Josh will say, "That wasn't funny." At that point, Chloe will laugh one of her hysterically evil "mad scientist" laughs and the laughter will resou...