209 Days
209 Days is how long I went without a Dr. Pepper. I had one yesterday and it was wonderful. The girls had their first soda in almost as long (they started the fast a couple of weeks after I did), and they were equally excited. Don't get concerned, Dad, this is not going to be a habit. It was just a treat for one day. :) Joey has cooked 2 fabulous breakfastsys (that's how Josh used to say it) and we're having steak for dinner! Josh started running a 102.7 fever yesterday, just out of the clear blue, but it's down to 100.7 this morning. He woke me up at 630 making himself some chocolate milk. I guess when you have a fever you feel a certain sense of entitlement. He beat me in checkers last night. One dumb move and a triple jump on his part, and I was done, but I beat Caylea in chess. That was fun. I still stink at chess, but she stinks worse. I have no idea if any of us will ever take the $100 that my Dad took from my Mom to give to anyone who could beat him,...