Snail Saga

Chloe loves all bugs, except spiders.  Well, she wants a tarantula, but the little ones are creepy.  Any other bug, she loves.  Well, except female praying mantis's.  They bite.  Oh, and she doesn't like mosquitoes and doesn't understand what purpose they serve.  Why did God create mosquitoes?  Another question to ask in heaven.  She wants a pet bat because one bat can eat up to 42,000 mosquitoes in one night.  She really wants another praying mantis. Her last one died while we were in Alabama.  He (she) is now immortalized in a picture frame.  While here in Germany, she discovered snails.  She loves them.  She thinks one, in particular, actually listens to her.  She's 10.  She'll figure it out eventually.  She used her allowance money to buy a kiddie pool, fill it with composted dirt that smells like a hog's pen, and put a net over it.  It's a lovely snail haven.  She collects them and then they don't eat her plants.  It's a good system...until it rains, and the pool fills up, and the snails cling for dear life to the netting, top of the pool, top of the watermelon rind, etc.  We gave it a good cleaning yesterday, set it in a better place, and figured out a way to keep rain out of it.  At least now I can't smell it.   She also cleaned her room yesterday.  I can see the floor again, which is always a plus.  I can't say too much about it.  I was a complete slob when I was a child and I grew out of it.  She will too.  Caylea is just like her father.  From infancy, a place for everything and everything in its place, and don't you dare move it an inch because she will know.  She'll outgrow that too.  Her father sure did.  :)  Josh is my middle man.  Occasionally I can see his floor, occasionally I can't.  Occasionally he is a wild man, mostly he's just a good, gentle boy.  He was wrestling with Caylea yesterday.  She's quite strong (like her father)...he's quite wirey (like his mother).  It's a funny combination.  He was wrestling Joe the other day, taking it easy on his Daddy, so I decided to show him how it was done.  Joe is much stronger than I am, but it was fun.  I'm wirey, so Joe had his hands full.  It's all fun and games until someone gets a rug burn.  Ouch!  Josh has 2.  Joe is going to get his wrist x-rayed today.  No, not from the wrestling.  He was golfing and may have sprained/fractured the top part of his hand.  I guess not the wrist after all.  It's a lovely bump, though, and he says it's quite sore.  He's not one to complain, so I'm making him get an x-ray.  Socialized military medicine.  May as well use it while it's ours to use.  We had to get a new roof on our house in Alabama. 
I wish I could figure out how to post Caylea's newest song on this blog.  When I figure it out, you have to listen to it with an open heart.  Remember that she's 13.  She's been writing music since she was 7 years old and singing isn't her calling, according to her.  She just wants to write and let other people sing her stuff, but she has to sing it first so they'll know how it goes.  I am amazed at her gift.  It comes from God.  I can teach her to play the piano, teach her music theory, and give her knowledge to go with that gift, but only God puts songs in the heart (Psalms).  
Cathy and Jana get here today.  They were supposed to be here 3 weeks ago, but there was a plane fiasco.  It's all good.  I'm so excited to see them and spend time with them again.  Family is important.  I sure love mine!


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